AC Troubleshooting FAQ
My air conditioning is not cooling?
- Is your thermostat set to cool?
- Does your thermostat have a display?
- Is there water in the drain pan?
- Is your breaker on?
- Is there an error code on your thermostat?
SOLUTION: Switch to cool, clear the clogged drain line, replace the dirty filter, replace bad batteries, reset a tripped breaker, call Caloosa Cooling at 239-226-0202 for a service technician
My thermostat is blank.
- Is there water in the drain pan?
- Do the batteries need to be replaced?
SOLUTION: Clear the clogged drain line, replace batteries and call Caloosa Cooling at 239-226-0202 for service
How often should I change my filter?
- What type of filter do you have?
SOLUTION: Whole house 4 and 5-inch filters need to be replaced every 6 months
1” pleated filters 30-60 days
1” non-pleated every 30 days
There is water leaking from my air handler
- When was the last time you had maintenance performed on your system?
- Is your air handler in an abnormally hot garage?
- Is your drain line clogged?
- Does there appear to be a crack in the drain line?
There is ice build-up on my lines outside
SOLUTION: If yes, call Caloosa Cooling at 239-226-0202 for a service technician
My unit outside is not coming on
- Is the breaker on?
- Is the thermostat on?
- Is there an error code on the thermostat?
SOLUTION: If yes and the problem still persists, call Caloosa Cooling at 239-226-0202 for a service technician
My fan won’t stop running
- Is your thermostat fan set to auto or on?
- Set to auto.
My AC is blowing warm air
- Is your condensing unit running
- Is your thermostat on?
- Try resetting the breaker
My thermostat is set for 74 degrees but it won’t go below 78 degrees.
- Is there cold air blowing out of the vents?
- What is the outdoor temperature?
- Is there more people in the house than there normally would be?
- Are the doors and/or windows open?
- Does your filter need to be changed?
SOLUTION: If yes and the AC still blowing warm air, call Caloosa Cooling at 239-226-0202 for a service technician